Thursday 11 February 2010

Our Square mile!

Hi all,
Vibha has had a busy week! She is my star of the week and also our new member of the school eco-committee! Well done Vibha!
What a busy half term we have had! I can't believe it's half term already next week! I hope you enjoy your week off- but don't forget to keep reading your books and remember to finish your home school task ready to bring in after half term. I can't wait to see all the different welsh souvenirs you make. Jake Perrett made a fabulous leek and has already brought it in. We hope you get well soon Jake too!

Class 9 have been enjoying our new library area which has been transformed into a sensory area-listening area- library. Mrs Channon and Miss Williams have worked very hard to perfect it. We have some very hard workers in Area 3! Mrs Channon and Miss Streeter took some helpers in their new wet weather outfits up to the fabric shop and brought some different textured materials for our sensory area. It looks fab! The children are really enjoying it and taking great pride in looking after the new room. Next half term we are looking at developing our outdoor area. I have just ordered a lovely shed which should arrive in a couple of weeks. This will be our garden centre role play after half term.

We have been busy developing our writing skills this week and the year 1 children are really trying hard. I'm very pleased with their progress. Reception have been learning all about letter 'h' this week and are really developing their knowledge of the jolly phonics. They are really keen to word build already! Da iawn!

Mrs Channon has been amazed by the fabulous Eisteddfod paintings you did with her. We were so pleased with the results. The children went around the school with Mrs Channon and took lots of photos looking through a variety of windows in the school. We developed the pictures and the children choose which picture to paint. The children's attention to detail has been superb! We cannot wait to see who wins first prize!

We also enjoyed Cinderella last week which was a lovely treat from Mr Roberts! Thank you!

We are looking in depth at Africa next half term, therefore if you would like to resaerch the internet/books with you child over the holidays and print off any facts or information for the clas that would be great!

Happy holidays!

Kind regards,

Miss Jervis and Mrs Channon

Thursday 4 February 2010

Colouring Books!

Hi all

Juat a quick note to ask children to bring colouring books for wet play. We seem to be having lots of rainy days lately and children enjoy colouring in the lunch time. Please can children bring these in to save our paper- otherwise the eco-school commitee will be after us!!!

Also the Year 5 and 6 classes are doing a stall for Haiti tomorrow if children would like to bring in some money to buy things for us to raise money for a extremely worthwhile cause.

diolch yn fawr

Miss Jervis