Wednesday 7 December 2011

Christmas time is lots of fun!

Ho ho ho!  Hello everyone,

well we've been busy bumble bees this term.  Everyone has been trying really hard and settled in well.  We've been singing lots of carols ready for our service next week and making lots of Christmas crafts.  We have enjoyed spending time at Forest School, everyone knows the rules really well-also enjoyed yummy hot chocolate!

Thanks to the parents who came last night to the 'help your child at home evening'.  If you couldn't make it the reading folders are coming home Friday for you to have and practise with your child over the Christmas period.  There will be a booklet enclosed which includes strategies for reading, writing and mathematics and how to make it fun and enjoyable at home with your child.

Don't forget Christmas Party on Monday and I've heard we might be having a visit from someone special!!!

Christmas dinner Wednesday then our carol service Thursday and Friday.

Please could we have costumes in by Tuesday next week.

Thanks very much

Miss Jervis