Wednesday 25 January 2012

Our Precious World

Hi Everyone,

It has been a great start to 2012 so far!  Our Class have been super so far this term.  Everyone is really trying their best!

Our Theme this term as you know is Our Precious World.  Thank you for all the resources you brought in for Chinese New Year and Our Travel Agents.  We have also been looking at Dinosaurs for our Maths this term.  We made our own fossils.  Joshua Hillard brought in a fab fossil to show everybody, well done Joshua!

We had a lovely Chinese celebration last week and we made a stir fry.  All the children thought it was yummy!

We are palnning on lots of trips to the Forest this term so make sure you all have wellies in School!

We are starting singing our welsh songs and saying our poem for the Eisteddfod this year-my how time flies!  We will be doing our paintings for the Eisteddfod as well next week.

Well done to the children who are trying so hard with their reading its lovely to see the progress.

Keep it up thanks for your support

Miss Jervis and Mrs Channon