Friday 17 December 2010

Merry Christmas! Nadolig Llawen!

Well can you believe all this snow!  I had a big shock when i looked out of my window this morning!  I wasn't expecting that much.  Sorry I didn't get chance to see you all and wish you a Merry Christmas my mini looked like a snow ball this morning!  So here is my chance!  Wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy 2011!  Enjoy the snow and the festive season.  You have all been really good and I'm sure Santa will bring you lots of lovely presents! 

Thanks for all my lovely presents too!

Happy holidays and best wishes to you all

See you in the new Year

Miss Jervis and Mrs Channon :)

Thursday 9 December 2010

Christmas with the Aliens!

Wow!  Well done to each and every one of you for your brilliant performance in the Christmas concert!  I am so proud of you all and I'm sure your mums and dads are too, judging by the huge applause at the end.  You have all worked really hard learning all your lines!

Thank ever so much to Mrs Moore, Mrs Lee, Mrs Burkhardt, Miss Robinson and Mrs Hargreaves for helping back stage with the children, we could not have managed without you!  Also thanks to Mrs Brooks who helped dress the children too.  The Year 6 children did a super job at helping the children dress and put all the chairs out in the hall.  Thanks very much- you are all really grown up now and we are lucky to have such sensible Year 6 children.

Its party time and craft time now at Maesybryn!  We have a Christmas party next Tuesday afternoon-letters to follow.  The glitter is at the ready to start some more Christmas craft tomorrow!  I can't wait!

Hope all the poorly children get well soon!
See you tomorrow,
Miss Jervis

Monday 29 November 2010

Costumes! Craft! Christmas time is lots of fun.....

Hi all,

Just a quick reminder to bring your costumes in on Friday ready for the concert.  (On hanger/in bag labelled with name) If any one is having any problems with their costume please let me know and I'll do the best I can to help.  I saw some super outfits in ASDA at the weekend.

You are all singing beautifully for the concert and saying your lines confidently!  Mums and Dads will be really proud!!!

Also, if your child hasn't brought in a jar please could you asap as we are using them for our craft this week.

Take care on the icy roads

see you in the morning

Miss Jervis :)

Friday 12 November 2010

Thanks for all your support this week!

Hi Everyone,

Just a little note to say thank you for all your support this week after hearing the sad news about Mrs Williams.  All your kind messages are greatly appreciated by us all. Mrs Williams was so wonderful and we all have lots of happy and fond memories of her.

It was good to meet with you all at parents evening this week and discuss all the progress your child has made.  They have all settled well and are really enjoying their time in Reception.

The children have also brought home their parts for the Christmas Concert. I would be greatful if you could practise their lines with them if they have come home with any.  Also, if you have any queries about the costumes call in and see a member of staff who will be happy to help.

Thanks for your continued support,

Hope we see some sun this weekend!!

Miss Jervis and Mrs Channon

Monday 25 October 2010

Happy Half Term!

Hi all,

Wishing you all a super half term, enjoy the break!  Thanks for a great half term so far, so many lovely memories- our trip to Cefn Mably Farm, a visit from the Post Master, our coffee afternoon to name a few!

I have a feeling next half term will be just as busy with our Christmas concert!

Thanks for all your support and I will look forward to speaking with you all at Parents evening.

All the Best To Mrs Burton-Little with her new beautiful baby boy, we can't wait to see him and we welcome Mrs Morris on board!

Enjoy the break,

Miss Jervis

Sunday 10 October 2010

Harvest time is here!

Hi all

We have been busy bumble bees in Area 3 this last fortnight with our mini topic 'Birthdays'.  We changed our role play into a birthday tea party and we designed cards and invitations.  We also made a Birthday wall and the children all told me when their Birthday is.  The children designed and made healthy sandwiches too!  We had a Freaky Friday and played pass the parcel and music statues and had our sandwiches and party food.  It was a really fun end to the topic. 

We are looking at 'The Farm' for the next fortnight, getting ready for our trip on the 18th October to Cefn Mably farm!

We sent letters home on Friday about our coffee afternoon on Tuesday 19th October.  We really hope you can come and see the children singing their harvest songs and showing you some of the craft they have been up to this term. 

Wow.... Its flying by!!!

See you all tomorrow

Miss Jervis

Friday 10 September 2010

Welcome back!

Hello Class 10, welcome to our class blog!

We have had a very busy first week back and I'm so proud of how the children have settled.  You are all coming in by yourselves beautifully, well done.  We have sent home our plans for this term and also the information to parents asking for your help and support also. 

Just a quick reminder that PE in on Tuesday, if all children can bring their kit that would be great, the more practise they have the better.  Also, some wellies have been brought in, but please can all children bring a pair of weelies to school as the weather is changing and we still like to explore in the wet!  We provide wet weather gear for the children.

Thanks to the children who have brought in some fairy tales and things for our post office role play.  Keep them coming!

It's going to be a busy term! 

Mrs Ryan has had a lovely week in our Area and we are lucky to have her as part of our team.

Enjoy your weekend and I'll see you all on Monday

Kind Regards, Miss Jervis and Mrs Channon

PS- well done to Ethan our star of the week.  He has made lots of new friends and fitted in really well at Maesybryn

Thursday 15 July 2010

Enjoy the holidays!!!

Happy Holidays!

Well I cannot believe it is the last day in school tomorrow. This year has flown by everyone has grown up so much. I am going to miss you all and you have been a super class. I will have many fond memories that I will cherish forever. Some children have been with me for two and a half years! (Keiran, Jared, Libby, Josie and Jake). I am certain that you are all ready for the new challenge of Year 2 and Year 1.

Thanks to all the parents for all your support this year.

Please have a lovely summer holidays and keep safe. Enjoy the break and fingers crossed we will have some sunshine!

See you tomorrow

Miss Jervis x

PS thanks for all the lovely cards and gifts I have received!

Sunday 27 June 2010

Sports Day!

Hi everyone!

Well done to all the Year 1 children for taking part in sports Day on Thursday. It was a wonderful afternoon.

The art exhibition was a great success and all your collages looked fabulous!

Don't forget it is the reception and nursery sports day tomorrow so wear your Pe kit with your team colour top if you can. Remember your hats and water bottels labelled with your name. Also if parents could apply suncream before school that would be a great help. We will apply sun cream before sports day also.

Thanks, enjoy the sun!

See you tomorrow!

Miss Jervis

Sunday 20 June 2010

What a fab day!

Hi all,

Just want to say a BIG HUGE thanks to Mrs Channon for all her hard work in organising the summer Fayre. All the PTA members did a brilliant job and it was a lovely day well done to you all!

It was lovely to see so many children from our class at the fayre. Poppy L, Poppy D and Ethan made really good sand bottles. Enjoy the sunshine today and be kind to all your daddy's!

Have a lovely Fathers Day, see you all tomorrow

Miss Jervis

PS- don't forget your sun hat tomorrow, we will be outside getting prepared for sports day quite often this week!

Wednesday 16 June 2010

Don't Forget the Summer Fayre!

Hi all

just a quick note to remind you all about the summer fayre. It is going to be action packed as usual and its a great fund raiser for the school.

This Saturday 1pm

See you there!!!

Miss Jervis and Mrs Channon

Saturday 12 June 2010


Thank you to all the parents who helped their child design a bucket with plant for our outdoors. They look fabulous and really cheer up the garden. We have had lots of people admire them!

We have had a good start to the last half term by doing lots of practise for Sports Day. We wrote a lovely class poem this week about summer which is on display in our class if you want to pop in for a look. The children have some lovely thoughts about summer and especially having the paddling pool out i have discovered!

Next week we are going to have a fun day for the world cup and we are going to do some face painting of different flags from around the world. If the children would like to bring in any world cup memorabilia to show that would be great!

We have a new boy in our class Corey. He is a super little boy and has really fitted in to class 9. I would also like to congratulate all the class for being his friend and looking after him this week. Well done. I am so proud of my class!

Enjoy the sunshine this weekend and i'll see you all Monday.

Miss Jervis

Monday 24 May 2010

Hot, hot, hot!

Wow! What a lovely day we had in school today making the most of this glorious weather. I hope you all had a lovely weekend. The children in class 9 wrote their news this morning and lots of sentences included the word 'paddling pool!' We have been really enjoying our pirate theme. We have made hats, maps, been on treasure hunts and of course making the most of the Golden garden with our fabulous ship!

Well done to Daniel who is my star of the week! Daniel is an excellent reader, he has also been really getting involved in practical activities this last week, such as planting and looking after our surroundings. Well done Daniel keep it up!

I will be in touch about a home school task to keep you all busy during the half term period so keep an eye on the blog!

We sent a letter today asking children to bring water bottles in warm weather. Please can you ensure that your child's name is labelled on it. This will be a great help as we have been washing 90 cups 4 times a day up until now as children are wanting drinks understandably more often.

Please can each child bring a sun hat to school for break times to keep them cooler.

We have been applying suncream to children at regular intervals to keep your child safe in the sun, however if you could apply cream before school also that would be a great help to us (on especially hot days, like today!)

Thanks for everything, bye for now!

Miss Jervis

Wednesday 19 May 2010

Weston here we come!

Just a little reminder for children to bring their trip money in for Weston Super Mare. It costs £12.50, the price includes the bus, entrance to the aquarium and an ice cream! It will be a fun day!

Kind regards,

Miss Jervis

Sunday 9 May 2010

Gardening and pirate time!

Hi all,

I hope you've all noticed the beautiful grounds surrounding our school. We have planted herbs and vegetables in our outdoor planters and brightened up our golden garden with some plants and shrubs. A BIG HUGE THANK YOU to Mrs Simmons- William and Martha's mum who kindly donated lots of the plants and shrubs you see around our grounds and in the lovely planters on the yard. We have had great fun making the gardens lots pretty and the children have learnt how to look after the environment and the schools surroundings.

We are starting our mini topic of 'Pirates' next week. We will put the ship to good use with lots of dressing up and role play. if you have any pirate costumes for us to borrow that would be greatly appreciated. If you and your child could research pirates on Internet or maybe pop to the local library to find out some information that would be useful. We will be making treasure maps and going on lots of treasure hunts in the next few weeks. Mrs Channon is developing a welsh pirate story sack with groups of children as well.

Keep reading and children are practising their months of the year each morning. Maybe you could ask them to tell you them! Also do they know their address? We have been working on this too.

Please remember PE kits on Tuesday for gymnastics.

bye for now,

Miss Jervis and Mrs Channon

Monday 26 April 2010

PE Kits

Just a quick note to let you know that I am going to try and do an extra PE session this week, as a PE specialist from the comprehensive is coming out to observe the class do gym. I would therefore like the children to keep their kits in school all week. I hope this is ok
thanks Miss Jervis

Sunday 25 April 2010

Gardening time!

Hi all,

Thank you for all your support with the new changes to entering and leaving school. It has worked really well and that is thanks to you.

We really enjoyed our African fortnight we had lots of fun- I'm sure the children have filled you in: making masks, face painting, collages, African drumming, story tellers, balancing water on our heads! to name just a few things that we have been up to! Please remember our Africa evening this Thursday at 6pm. It will be a lovely evening where we can raise some money for our friends in Africa and also for Mrs Decaro and Mrs Dobbins to tell you all about their adventures.

This next fortnight we are focusing on the garden. We are doing lots of planting, mini beast hunting, learning about parts of the flower and life cycles of the butterfly and frog. We will also be making bird feed and bird watching. If anyone would like to donate any plants or shrubs for our garden that would be greatly appreciated.

You have all received the topic web of the terms plans, therefore you know we are going to have a fun packed term!

Don't forget the PTA meeting on Wednesday 5.30pm and Africa evening Thursday 6pm

bye for now,

Miss Jervis and Mrs Channon

Friday 16 April 2010

Welcome back!

Welcome back everyone.

I hope you had a lovely Easter break and didn't eat too many eggs! You all look like you've grown over the holidays! The line is getting longer when we are in the hall! You all had good news to tell me about what you had been up to and well done for keeping up with your reading.

The yard is looking great and we are really excited about the outdoor area! Our new car is fabulous! Diolch Mr Hole! There will be plenty more developments in the next few weeks. Lets hope the sunshine stays! The willow gaden is also amazing, our school is really making the most of the grounds we have.

This term our topic is "Oh I do like to be beside the seaside..." It is a longer term so we are therefore doing a couple of mini topics up until half term. This next fortnight we are looking at Africa. We will be researching artefacts, music, art work, food, people etc. Mrs Dobbins and Mrs Decaro are coming to each class to tell us all about their travels and to show us their photos. We are really excited about this. We have already made some African masks and African animal collages, next week we are making african drums and rain makers. (Please bring in any containers to help us make these, as letter said).

After our Africa topic we are looking at the garden- plants, growing, minibeasts etc. We will then do a mini project about Pirates- linking to our Gorden Garden ship. I will keep you updated on what we cover during these weeks.

In literacy the reception children are beginning to write words independently and are trying to write their news now, using words around the class to help them. I am really impressed with the children's pencil control. We are still going strong with our jolly phonics as well. The Year 1 children have been working really hard with their writing, ensuring the have good formation and finger spaces. This term we are going to perfect our full stops and capital letters as well as extending our sentences with adjectives. I am really confident that Year 1 will make excellent progress this term. We will continue with spelling for literacy and blends

We will continue home reading books each week. Thanks for all your support with this.

In Mathematical development. We will develop addition and subtraction with reception children as well as lots of 2d and 3d shape activities. We will look at data handling and how to make graphs and pictograms, as well as identifying money and recognising o'clock.
The Year 1 children will be developing addition and subtraction to 20 and beyond, as well as looking at shapes, capacity, lengths, measuring and estimating. We will also look at time-half past, quarter past and quarter to.

There will be plenty of outdoor learning going on this term as well and children will be visiting places within our square mile- the post office, the spar, the fabric shop. It is going to be a busy term!

I will keep you posted with all our achievements this term.

Bye for now, enjoy the sunshine this weekend

Miss Jervis and Mrs Channon

PS- congratulations to Layla Williams my Star of the Week. Layla is absolutely delightful. She has made really good progress with her reading and writing and is always trying her best! Da iawn Layla

Wednesday 24 March 2010

A huge thanks!

Thank you all for your support today! The children really enjoyed the coffee afternoon and were all so proud of their bonnets. We raised over £100 for our outdoor area, which helps us greatly.

The fabric squares looks terrific in the hall and I am really proud of all who contributed to making it.

A huge thanks to all the staff and additional practitioners who helped make the coffee afternoon a success.

Thanks to Oliver's mum for selling the raffle tickets. Also thanks to Martha and William's mum for making the yummy cakes. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Have a lovely Easter break everyone and try not to eat too many Easter eggs!!!!

Thanks again,

Miss Jervis

PS- The photos of each class wearing their bonnets is still in foyer until Friday if you would like to order a photo.

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Easter Coffee Afternoon

Hi all,

Just a quick reminder about our Easter coffee afternoon tomorrow at 3pm. The Easter bonnets are fabulous. It is going to be a terrific parade. Thanks for helping your child make a bonnet

All welcome, there will be a raffle, also cakes and juice on sale.

We will look forward to seeing you all tomorrow to help us raise some money for our outdoor area.

Thanks everyone

See you tomorrow

Miss Jervis

Thursday 18 March 2010

Newport Wetlands!

Well done to all who came to the Easter Fayre tonight. The cakes were yummy!

just a quick reminder for children to bring packed lunch tomorrow. Wear your wellies to school and a coat with a hood for our school trip tomorrow.

It was a fabulous day Mrs Brown and Mrs Decaro said. Fingers crossed for fine weather for us tomorrow please!


Miss Jervis

PS- NO reading books tomorrow, please bring them Monday instead. Diolch

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Remember your wellies!!!!!

hi all,

just a quick note to say that wellies will be given out to the children if they have left them in school ready for the trip on Friday. I have been checking weather reports and forecast is not good. Heavy rain!!! Typical!!! Please make sure your child has a coat with hood and wellies. We will put the wet weather gear on if weather is really bad too.

Thanks everyone!

Miss Jervis

PS- Don't forget about our coffee afternoon next Wednesday 3pm- book it in the Diary!!!!!

Friday 12 March 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Hi all,

Well done William for being our star of the week! William has been trying hard in all he does in Class at the moment. Well done to you!

We have been busy baking a treat for mums this week. Mrs Channon was dressed as a gourmet chef! We hope you like them!

The children have been loving playing out in the speddy pizza and ice-cream parlour. We are all so happy to develop this area.

Children have been trying hard with their writing this week- remembering finger spaces and capital letters and full stops. Reception children are really trying hard to develop their writing skills. Da iawn.

We have been looking at time this week and learning o'clock and half past so maybe you could ask your children the time over the weekend.

Keep researching Africa- any information you find out we will put up on the information wall.

I hope you have all made a start on your Easter bonnets. We have been practising for the Coffee afternoon- we hope you can all make it!

Don't forget the Easter Fayre on Thursday next week. Non-uniform day (bring an egg as a forfeit!)

Enjoy your weekend and make sure you look after your mummies on Sunday!


Miss Jervis and Mrs Channon

Friday 5 March 2010



Well what an action packed week we have had! We had our fabulous Eisteddfod on Monday. I brought some visitors from France with me to school and they were so impressed with your welsh costumes and singing and poems. Well done to everyone who competed and Dehewydd finally won something! Ethan and I were very happy! Its about time Dehewydd! Da iawn to everyone. Maesybryn is lucky to have such talented children.

Mums are going to be in for a treat as Mrs Channon has been making goodies with the children. Mr hole has put our shed up, we are so excitied! It is now a pizza place for the children to play. In the next few weeks we will be developing this area more, which will be great. Hopefully we will get all your support at the coffee afternoon on 24th March to raise some funds for the outdoor area.

I hope this afternoon went well for the NSPCC sponsored event. I missed it unfortunately as I was on a course but i'm sure you all tried your best.

I will look forward to having a chat with all parents next week at parents evening

See you then,

Miss Jervis.

PS- start collecting some bits to decorate your easter bonnets! There is some good craft ideas in the yellow moon catalogue and also at the Early Learning Centre.

Monday 1 March 2010

Da iawn!

Hello everyone,

We've had a fab day doing our Eisteddfod. I was so proud of all the children. It was lovely to see evEryone participating and looking so smart in their welsh costume. Adderchog!

Luke Kirwan is our Star of the week! Well done Luke! He has been trying so hard to be very grown up and set a good example to ours, so well done Luke!

We are excited- our shed has arrived and hopefully if the weather stays fine Mr Hole will put it up this week. We are looking forward to developing that outdoor area. Its going to look great.

Please bring back slips for the school trip to Newport Wetlands on March 19th, which will be fun.

Well done to all the children who made a welsh souvenir! I was really impressed by them and we used them to decoarate the hall today. They looked impressive.

Mrs Channon took a group of children to post a letter to Deeksha in Scotland on Friday. Hopefully, she will write back soon!

We are still finding out about Africa so keep researching it and bring in any info to school. We have been hearing all about Mrs Decaro and Mrs Dobbins visit!

That's it for now!

Kind Regards,

Miss Jervis and Mrs Channon


Thursday 11 February 2010

Our Square mile!

Hi all,
Vibha has had a busy week! She is my star of the week and also our new member of the school eco-committee! Well done Vibha!
What a busy half term we have had! I can't believe it's half term already next week! I hope you enjoy your week off- but don't forget to keep reading your books and remember to finish your home school task ready to bring in after half term. I can't wait to see all the different welsh souvenirs you make. Jake Perrett made a fabulous leek and has already brought it in. We hope you get well soon Jake too!

Class 9 have been enjoying our new library area which has been transformed into a sensory area-listening area- library. Mrs Channon and Miss Williams have worked very hard to perfect it. We have some very hard workers in Area 3! Mrs Channon and Miss Streeter took some helpers in their new wet weather outfits up to the fabric shop and brought some different textured materials for our sensory area. It looks fab! The children are really enjoying it and taking great pride in looking after the new room. Next half term we are looking at developing our outdoor area. I have just ordered a lovely shed which should arrive in a couple of weeks. This will be our garden centre role play after half term.

We have been busy developing our writing skills this week and the year 1 children are really trying hard. I'm very pleased with their progress. Reception have been learning all about letter 'h' this week and are really developing their knowledge of the jolly phonics. They are really keen to word build already! Da iawn!

Mrs Channon has been amazed by the fabulous Eisteddfod paintings you did with her. We were so pleased with the results. The children went around the school with Mrs Channon and took lots of photos looking through a variety of windows in the school. We developed the pictures and the children choose which picture to paint. The children's attention to detail has been superb! We cannot wait to see who wins first prize!

We also enjoyed Cinderella last week which was a lovely treat from Mr Roberts! Thank you!

We are looking in depth at Africa next half term, therefore if you would like to resaerch the internet/books with you child over the holidays and print off any facts or information for the clas that would be great!

Happy holidays!

Kind regards,

Miss Jervis and Mrs Channon

Thursday 4 February 2010

Colouring Books!

Hi all

Juat a quick note to ask children to bring colouring books for wet play. We seem to be having lots of rainy days lately and children enjoy colouring in the lunch time. Please can children bring these in to save our paper- otherwise the eco-school commitee will be after us!!!

Also the Year 5 and 6 classes are doing a stall for Haiti tomorrow if children would like to bring in some money to buy things for us to raise money for a extremely worthwhile cause.

diolch yn fawr

Miss Jervis

Friday 29 January 2010

We are busy bumble bees in Class 9!

Hi all!

First of all I would like to say well done to everyone who wore a colour t-shirt to make the Uganda flag. We raised lots of money and thank you for your kind donations. Jayden thanks for bringing in your cuddly toy, I'm sure a child in Uganda would love it! You are very kind! We had a fun day and are very proud of Mrs Decaro and Mrs Dobbins going to Uganda in half term to meet our friends in Uganda and take them our treats we have collected.

Ella Sheilds is Star of the week this week. Ella is now really confident with her reading and I am very impressed with her progress, it is well deserved this week. Da iawn Ella! We have many excellent readers in Class 9 mind you!

We have been busy with our writing this week reception have been learning lots of 'e' words, whilst year 1 have been writing about our story 'Lotties Letter'. We have been using our number line to count on and backwards from a given number and year 1 are confidently completing sums to 20- adding and subtracting. Well done!

We have our new listening centre in the library and Mrs Burton-Little and I have worked hard to develop the library to make it a cosy environment for the children to go. Lets hope you enjoy using this next week.

Mr Roberts has kindly ordered our wet weather suits for us to be prepared to go out in all weathers and be protected. He was kind enough to order large ones for the teachers too! Let's hope we haven't jinx it and brought on the rain now in the next few weeks!

The children are loving junk modelling and are coming up with some lovely creations. Ethan made a penguin, Poppy D made a shaker, Ben made a mobile- so keep your recycleable materials coming! We still need more bottle tops before we can start our mosaic so keep collecting!

I'm on a course Monday and Tuesday so can parents please bring children's reading books in on Wednesday rather than send them on Monday/Tuesady this week (coch and melyn groups)

Kind Regards,

Miss Jervis
p.s don't forget PE days changed to Tuesdays now!

Sunday 24 January 2010

Seren Y Wythnos!

Adderchog Farah!
Well done Farah for being this weeks star of the week. Farah is always kind and helpful to all her friends and all the teachers in Area 3.

Hopefully, you all had a chance to read the topic web and letters that have been sent out and are now familiar with what we are covering this term. It's great to be back to normality. The children told me lots of fun snow stories though!

We have made a good start to our new displays and the children had great fun making our own 'Lottie's Letter' with Mrs Channon. We will hopefully have some bottle tops in this week to start our mosaic which will be fun. The travel agents is up and running well and the children are really enjoying that. we have just ordered a new listening centre for in the library from the money we have saved up from busy bees- we do spend the money we have left over wisely! It all benefits the children! Mr Roberts has kindly ordered us wet weather suits for us to go outside investigating in all weathers so look out for some photos of the children in those in coming weeks!

Thanks to the children who brought in pictures from the snow- we have made a lovely snowy display!

Don't forget PE is on Tuesdays now and i will let you know when show and tell will be starting back up.

Thanks for your support,

Kind Regards,

Miss Jervis and Mrs Channon

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Frosty the Snowman...

Hi everyone!

Hope you have had a fun snowy day and enjoyed been out on your sleighs and building snow men. I hope you are all wrapped up warm though and being sensible for your mums and dads. The snow in my home town (Blackwood) is really deep I went for a walk earlier and the snow went right to the top of my wellies! I took a photo, I will try and post it for you to all see! It was so funny!

We are off school again tomorrow, so remember to keep reading your books and the key words, also you can complete your home work and bring it to school to show me when we return! We also started our snowy display on Tuesday so some of your snow pics would look fab on the wall! Mrs Channon and I are both going to build a snow man tomorrow for the display! The carrot nose is ready and waiting! The challenge is on for the best snow man!

Also children, you can tell your families about the new topic for the term 'Our precious world' and talk about the lovely book we read in class, "Lottie's Letter". I will put more information about what we are covering in the term in the next couple of days.

This term our PE day has changed to a Tuesday because a lady is coming to teach PE with me, which will be fun. We are also setting up a new role play "Maesybryn Travel Agents" so if you have any brochures you could bring to school that would be great! Its like being on a skiing holiday already at the moment!

have a good day tomorrow and stay safe!

Take care, hwyl fawr!

Miss Jervis :)

Monday 11 January 2010

What an adventure!

Happy New Year everyone! It was lovely to see you all back in school today. I arrived kitted out in my wellies ready to escort children up the road to school. I'm glad Santa bought me some new ones for Christmas! All the children were really sensible today, which shows what wonderful children we have at Maesybryn Primary! Well done everyone!

I'm really excited about our blog and will update this regularly with what we have been up to in Class 9. In foundation phase we do lots of practical activities and take lots of photos- I will hopefully be able to put these on our blog too!

See you all tomorrow hopefully!
Keep an eye on this site for regular updates if the snow returns!
Kind regards,
Miss Jervis

p.s diolch for all my lovely Christmas presents.