Wednesday 7 December 2011

Christmas time is lots of fun!

Ho ho ho!  Hello everyone,

well we've been busy bumble bees this term.  Everyone has been trying really hard and settled in well.  We've been singing lots of carols ready for our service next week and making lots of Christmas crafts.  We have enjoyed spending time at Forest School, everyone knows the rules really well-also enjoyed yummy hot chocolate!

Thanks to the parents who came last night to the 'help your child at home evening'.  If you couldn't make it the reading folders are coming home Friday for you to have and practise with your child over the Christmas period.  There will be a booklet enclosed which includes strategies for reading, writing and mathematics and how to make it fun and enjoyable at home with your child.

Don't forget Christmas Party on Monday and I've heard we might be having a visit from someone special!!!

Christmas dinner Wednesday then our carol service Thursday and Friday.

Please could we have costumes in by Tuesday next week.

Thanks very much

Miss Jervis

Friday 9 September 2011

Hello Class 12!

Hi everyone,

Welcome to our class blog.  It is lovely to see so many happy faces coming to school this week.  You are so grown up finding your pegs and hanging your coats up beautifully!  Well done!  I already know I have a super duper class!

You all sound like you were really busy this summer and had a lovely time.

I hope everyone received the topic web and information for the parents sheet, with guidance of the skills we are hoping to achieve this term and some tips for you at home to help us.  Our topic is 'The Colours of the Rainbow' and we are setting up Mrs Rainbow's home.  It will be red for the next fortnight so you can bring in Red things.

PE day is Tuesday so please bring your PE kit for this day. 

Also can children bring a pair of wellies to school to be kept for the year as we do lots of outdoor exploring in all weathers!

Have a lovely weekend, I have a feeling the children will sleep well!

See you Monday

Miss Jervis

Thursday 19 May 2011

In my little garden

Hi everyone,

My how the children have grown over the holidays!  They are really sensible so far this term, showing signs that they are getting ready for a new challenge of Year 1.

This term we are developing 'well being' mornings.  The children come into class and place their face on the board by how they are feeling. I'm pleased to say the majority are happy or excited each day!  they can then choose from the well being box to do an activity with a friend a the beginning of the day while we all settle into class.  The children have really enjoyed it so far and have been really kind sharing and taking turns with one another.

We have a new topic 'In my little garden' this term.  I hope you all read through the topic web and information sheet and if you have any gardening equipment or camping equipment going spare please let us know.  We are busy looking at the story of the Hungry Caterpillar at the moment.  We have learnt the life cycle of the butterfly and made our own books.  Mrs Channon has helped the children design their own fruit kebabs which the children will make next week.

We will hopefully walk to the garden centre soon as well.  The weather looks like its improving now, as it's been a mixed bag the last few weeks.

Please can I also encourgage the children to bring in some coins for our PTA fundraising event, where we are going to collect coins filling a jar and then do a coin flower of mini beast on the yard.  Very exciting.

Also our pond is finished thanks to the PTA fund raising yet again!  Thank goodness for a super PTA.  Well done Mrs Channon and team.

Bye for now

Thanks for your support,

Miss Jervis and Mrs Channon

Sunday 10 April 2011

Easter time is lots of fun!!!!

Hi everyone,

I would first like to say how proud I was of all the children on the school trip.  The children were really sensible and listened really well to the Rangers. We were really lucky with the weather too!

The children have been working hard and brought wonderful Easter Bonnets to school.  Thanks for helping your child to do that, they all enjoyed telling me how they made them.  I hope the Grand parents are excited about their coffee afternoon.  We have been singing our hearts out in preparation.

I'm looking forward to another busy week with class 10 before our Easter break.

Let's hope the weather stays with us!

Kind regards,

Miss Jervis

P.S Don't forget the PTA Easter party on Thursday at 5pm

Tuesday 5 April 2011

School Trip Time!

Hi all,

just a quick reminder about the trip to Bryngarw Park tomorrow.  I've checked the weather and apparently it is going to be fine!  however, can children wear a coat with a hood just in case.  Also can children bring a packed lunch.

I'm sure it will be a fun day!

see you in the morning

Miss Jervis

P.S I hope you are on the case making those fab Easter bonnets!

School Trip Time!

Hi all,

just a quick reminder about the trip to Bryngarw Park tomorrow.  I've checked the weather and apparently it is going to be fine!  however, can children wear a coat with a hood just in case.  Also can children bring a packed lunch.

I'm sure it will be a fun day!

see you in the morning

Miss Jervis

P.S I hope you are on the case making those fab Easter bonnets!

Sunday 6 March 2011

RE Week

Hi Everyone,

I would like to start by saying what a wonderful job you all did in the Eisteddfod on Friday.  I was so proud of you all, well done!  You have also brought in some wonderful home school task 'Welsh Souvenirs' which have really brightened our hall up. 

This week coming is RE week.  We are finding out about Christenings.  We will go and have a pretend Christening as an Educational visit this week.  Please bring a £1 contribution for the bus.  It's going to be another busy week!  Mrs Channon has also got her frying pan at the ready for Tuesday!

See you all tomorrow Miss Jervis and Mrs Channon

Wednesday 9 February 2011

What super creations!

Hi all,

The children have made some wonderful creations from junk this week.  Katy has made some binoculars, Evan has made a phone and Jack has made a super boat!

If you have any cereal boxes, plastic bottles etc for your child to bring to school that would be great!

Thanks for all the donations for our library!  The children are having a whale of a time!

Thanks Again

Miss Jervis

Sunday 23 January 2011

Toy and bears

Hi all,

Well we have been really busy settling into 2011!  Everyone has been trying really hard and I can't believe how the children have grown!  Well done with the effort put into the reading books.  Thanks very much for all your support. 

This term as you are aware our topic is 'Toys and Bears'.  Lots of the children have already brought in an old teddy bear.  My nanna kindly let me borrow her really old bear.  It has saw dust inside it!  The children didn't think it was soft at all!

We have bought some new dolls for our library. if you have any unwanted baby clothes, dolls, dolls prams please send them to school and we will put them to good use!

This week we are doing Lots about Goldilocks and the 3 bears.  We are making porridge and doing lots of sorting and ordering objects.  If the children have their own copies of Goldilocks they would like to bring to school that would be great.

Thanks for your continued support!

Bye of now

Miss Jervis and Mrs Channon