Monday 26 April 2010

PE Kits

Just a quick note to let you know that I am going to try and do an extra PE session this week, as a PE specialist from the comprehensive is coming out to observe the class do gym. I would therefore like the children to keep their kits in school all week. I hope this is ok
thanks Miss Jervis

Sunday 25 April 2010

Gardening time!

Hi all,

Thank you for all your support with the new changes to entering and leaving school. It has worked really well and that is thanks to you.

We really enjoyed our African fortnight we had lots of fun- I'm sure the children have filled you in: making masks, face painting, collages, African drumming, story tellers, balancing water on our heads! to name just a few things that we have been up to! Please remember our Africa evening this Thursday at 6pm. It will be a lovely evening where we can raise some money for our friends in Africa and also for Mrs Decaro and Mrs Dobbins to tell you all about their adventures.

This next fortnight we are focusing on the garden. We are doing lots of planting, mini beast hunting, learning about parts of the flower and life cycles of the butterfly and frog. We will also be making bird feed and bird watching. If anyone would like to donate any plants or shrubs for our garden that would be greatly appreciated.

You have all received the topic web of the terms plans, therefore you know we are going to have a fun packed term!

Don't forget the PTA meeting on Wednesday 5.30pm and Africa evening Thursday 6pm

bye for now,

Miss Jervis and Mrs Channon

Friday 16 April 2010

Welcome back!

Welcome back everyone.

I hope you had a lovely Easter break and didn't eat too many eggs! You all look like you've grown over the holidays! The line is getting longer when we are in the hall! You all had good news to tell me about what you had been up to and well done for keeping up with your reading.

The yard is looking great and we are really excited about the outdoor area! Our new car is fabulous! Diolch Mr Hole! There will be plenty more developments in the next few weeks. Lets hope the sunshine stays! The willow gaden is also amazing, our school is really making the most of the grounds we have.

This term our topic is "Oh I do like to be beside the seaside..." It is a longer term so we are therefore doing a couple of mini topics up until half term. This next fortnight we are looking at Africa. We will be researching artefacts, music, art work, food, people etc. Mrs Dobbins and Mrs Decaro are coming to each class to tell us all about their travels and to show us their photos. We are really excited about this. We have already made some African masks and African animal collages, next week we are making african drums and rain makers. (Please bring in any containers to help us make these, as letter said).

After our Africa topic we are looking at the garden- plants, growing, minibeasts etc. We will then do a mini project about Pirates- linking to our Gorden Garden ship. I will keep you updated on what we cover during these weeks.

In literacy the reception children are beginning to write words independently and are trying to write their news now, using words around the class to help them. I am really impressed with the children's pencil control. We are still going strong with our jolly phonics as well. The Year 1 children have been working really hard with their writing, ensuring the have good formation and finger spaces. This term we are going to perfect our full stops and capital letters as well as extending our sentences with adjectives. I am really confident that Year 1 will make excellent progress this term. We will continue with spelling for literacy and blends

We will continue home reading books each week. Thanks for all your support with this.

In Mathematical development. We will develop addition and subtraction with reception children as well as lots of 2d and 3d shape activities. We will look at data handling and how to make graphs and pictograms, as well as identifying money and recognising o'clock.
The Year 1 children will be developing addition and subtraction to 20 and beyond, as well as looking at shapes, capacity, lengths, measuring and estimating. We will also look at time-half past, quarter past and quarter to.

There will be plenty of outdoor learning going on this term as well and children will be visiting places within our square mile- the post office, the spar, the fabric shop. It is going to be a busy term!

I will keep you posted with all our achievements this term.

Bye for now, enjoy the sunshine this weekend

Miss Jervis and Mrs Channon

PS- congratulations to Layla Williams my Star of the Week. Layla is absolutely delightful. She has made really good progress with her reading and writing and is always trying her best! Da iawn Layla