Thursday 19 May 2011

In my little garden

Hi everyone,

My how the children have grown over the holidays!  They are really sensible so far this term, showing signs that they are getting ready for a new challenge of Year 1.

This term we are developing 'well being' mornings.  The children come into class and place their face on the board by how they are feeling. I'm pleased to say the majority are happy or excited each day!  they can then choose from the well being box to do an activity with a friend a the beginning of the day while we all settle into class.  The children have really enjoyed it so far and have been really kind sharing and taking turns with one another.

We have a new topic 'In my little garden' this term.  I hope you all read through the topic web and information sheet and if you have any gardening equipment or camping equipment going spare please let us know.  We are busy looking at the story of the Hungry Caterpillar at the moment.  We have learnt the life cycle of the butterfly and made our own books.  Mrs Channon has helped the children design their own fruit kebabs which the children will make next week.

We will hopefully walk to the garden centre soon as well.  The weather looks like its improving now, as it's been a mixed bag the last few weeks.

Please can I also encourgage the children to bring in some coins for our PTA fundraising event, where we are going to collect coins filling a jar and then do a coin flower of mini beast on the yard.  Very exciting.

Also our pond is finished thanks to the PTA fund raising yet again!  Thank goodness for a super PTA.  Well done Mrs Channon and team.

Bye for now

Thanks for your support,

Miss Jervis and Mrs Channon