Friday 10 September 2010

Welcome back!

Hello Class 10, welcome to our class blog!

We have had a very busy first week back and I'm so proud of how the children have settled.  You are all coming in by yourselves beautifully, well done.  We have sent home our plans for this term and also the information to parents asking for your help and support also. 

Just a quick reminder that PE in on Tuesday, if all children can bring their kit that would be great, the more practise they have the better.  Also, some wellies have been brought in, but please can all children bring a pair of weelies to school as the weather is changing and we still like to explore in the wet!  We provide wet weather gear for the children.

Thanks to the children who have brought in some fairy tales and things for our post office role play.  Keep them coming!

It's going to be a busy term! 

Mrs Ryan has had a lovely week in our Area and we are lucky to have her as part of our team.

Enjoy your weekend and I'll see you all on Monday

Kind Regards, Miss Jervis and Mrs Channon

PS- well done to Ethan our star of the week.  He has made lots of new friends and fitted in really well at Maesybryn