Monday 29 November 2010

Costumes! Craft! Christmas time is lots of fun.....

Hi all,

Just a quick reminder to bring your costumes in on Friday ready for the concert.  (On hanger/in bag labelled with name) If any one is having any problems with their costume please let me know and I'll do the best I can to help.  I saw some super outfits in ASDA at the weekend.

You are all singing beautifully for the concert and saying your lines confidently!  Mums and Dads will be really proud!!!

Also, if your child hasn't brought in a jar please could you asap as we are using them for our craft this week.

Take care on the icy roads

see you in the morning

Miss Jervis :)

Friday 12 November 2010

Thanks for all your support this week!

Hi Everyone,

Just a little note to say thank you for all your support this week after hearing the sad news about Mrs Williams.  All your kind messages are greatly appreciated by us all. Mrs Williams was so wonderful and we all have lots of happy and fond memories of her.

It was good to meet with you all at parents evening this week and discuss all the progress your child has made.  They have all settled well and are really enjoying their time in Reception.

The children have also brought home their parts for the Christmas Concert. I would be greatful if you could practise their lines with them if they have come home with any.  Also, if you have any queries about the costumes call in and see a member of staff who will be happy to help.

Thanks for your continued support,

Hope we see some sun this weekend!!

Miss Jervis and Mrs Channon