Friday 9 September 2011

Hello Class 12!

Hi everyone,

Welcome to our class blog.  It is lovely to see so many happy faces coming to school this week.  You are so grown up finding your pegs and hanging your coats up beautifully!  Well done!  I already know I have a super duper class!

You all sound like you were really busy this summer and had a lovely time.

I hope everyone received the topic web and information for the parents sheet, with guidance of the skills we are hoping to achieve this term and some tips for you at home to help us.  Our topic is 'The Colours of the Rainbow' and we are setting up Mrs Rainbow's home.  It will be red for the next fortnight so you can bring in Red things.

PE day is Tuesday so please bring your PE kit for this day. 

Also can children bring a pair of wellies to school to be kept for the year as we do lots of outdoor exploring in all weathers!

Have a lovely weekend, I have a feeling the children will sleep well!

See you Monday

Miss Jervis