Saturday 12 June 2010


Thank you to all the parents who helped their child design a bucket with plant for our outdoors. They look fabulous and really cheer up the garden. We have had lots of people admire them!

We have had a good start to the last half term by doing lots of practise for Sports Day. We wrote a lovely class poem this week about summer which is on display in our class if you want to pop in for a look. The children have some lovely thoughts about summer and especially having the paddling pool out i have discovered!

Next week we are going to have a fun day for the world cup and we are going to do some face painting of different flags from around the world. If the children would like to bring in any world cup memorabilia to show that would be great!

We have a new boy in our class Corey. He is a super little boy and has really fitted in to class 9. I would also like to congratulate all the class for being his friend and looking after him this week. Well done. I am so proud of my class!

Enjoy the sunshine this weekend and i'll see you all Monday.

Miss Jervis


  1. Hi miss jervis.
    If u would like any help with the face painting flags next week , then just give me a shout and I will help.
    michelle williams

  2. Hi Mrs Williams

    That would be fab I would love you to help! I'll have a chat with you tomorrow about it when you pick up Tia! Thanks for the offer

    Miss Jervis
